Areas of Focus

Haiti has a very limited public education system, thus most students’ only option is to attend private school. Although tuition is inexpensive by western standards, many families cannot afford it, and their children stay home or only attend school irregularly. This has led to a 39% illiteracy rate and few economic opportunities. Haiti On The Rise is committed to making a difference by contributing towards rebuilding the education infrastructure and helping children and adults attend school.

Although some time has passed since the 2010 Earthquake, 2016’s Hurricane Matthew, and the 2021 Earthquake, many victims are still living their lives in temporary structures. Haiti On The Rise is committed to helping the people of Haiti reconstruct and build schools, homes, community centers, and churches for those who were impacted by natural disasters and other issues. Our La Grotte High School construction project has risen from the completed foundation & 1st Floor to the 2nd Floor & roof.

Food & Healthcare
The people of Haiti struggle with an overburdened and undersupplied food & healthcare system – problems exacerbated by the 2010 Earthquake, 2016’s Hurricane Matthew, the 2021 Earthquake, and recent socio-political issues. Through our volunteer network and local partnerships in on the ground, Haiti On The Rise is committed to improving the procurement and distribution of food & healthcare to communities in need.

Pastoral Endeavors
Faith is essential in the lives of the Haitian people. Such beliefs provide enduring strength, allow those to persevere through life’s hardships, overcome insurmountable situations, and carry on. Haiti On The Rise is committed to supporting this fundamental component of the Haitian culture. By helping to restore and rebuild community and faith centers that have been destroyed, people of faith are able to gather and support one another once again.