Emergency Food Delivered During Holidays

As Executive Director Jacqueline Oriscar Lee learned in later-2022 about pending food shortages in Haiti, her main concern was upon the many Haiti On The Rise scholarship students and their families. Roving gangs, partly in protest of the current Haitian government, had curtailed major points of commerce during a typical work week. These circumstances made life difficult for local Haitians to purchase basic nutritional items. In response, Jackie arranged for her local volunteer network to make weekend visits to markets around Port-au-Prince to procure key goods of sustenance. Through such efforts in mid-Fall 2022, Haiti On The Rise was able to assemble around a two-week supply of basic nutritional goods for our scholarship students and their families (above), thereby helping to thwart a pending food crisis for our loved ones. Thank so much to our supporters and volunteers for helping make this happen!

After procuring key nutritional goods for our scholarship families, Jackie arranged for available volunteers, scholarship students, and their parents to place items of sustenance into emergency relief packages. Accomplished in mid-to-later November, the Haiti On The Rise assembly crews performed completion of the emergency packs in a diligent, efficient, and spirited manner – traits which Haiti On The Rise tries to do in all of its endeavors (above).

In late-November, Haiti On The Rise held a day of testimony & thanks, performing arts, and academic planning for our scholarship students and their parents. At the culmination of this annual student event, emergency relief packages were presented to our many scholarship students in attendance (above). Shortly after in mid-December, Haiti On The Rise conducted a similar delivery of emergency relief packages to the La Grotte community, located in the southern heights above Port-au-Prince. La Grotte, or The Grotto, was most recently settled as a refuge following the devastating 2010 Earthquake and is the community where Haiti On The Rise is constructing a much-needed high school.
Haiti On The Rise thanks all of its supporters and volunteers whom have assisted us through the years to make our efforts benefit those in need in Haiti. We wish you all much love and peace during this Holiday Season and an abundance of blessings in 2023 and beyond! Happy New Year from Haiti On The Rise!
On Saturday, March 16th Haiti On The Rise will have its 9th Annual Fundraiser & Silent Auction at St Mary’s Cathedral Event Center (Geary & Gough) in San Francisco with the festivities beginning at 5PM. Join fellow supporters of Haiti On The Rise that evening as we celebrate our 9th year of humanitarian work in Haiti. Please click on the links here for more information about our 9th ANNUAL GALA and to get your TICKETS. We look forward to seeing you then. Thank you so much for being a part of Haiti On The Rise. We hope to see you on Saturday, March 16!
If you are unable to attend the 3/16 event but would like to support our many projects in Haiti, please click on HAITI ON THE RISE DONATIONS.